Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Run, Run! As Fast As You Can!

We have been doing a lot of work with the story of The Gingerbread Man!  The kids LOVE this story and have really gotten into reading all the different versions.

These are just some of the books we have read...

Can you believe how many different stories there are?

The Gingerbread Man is the perfect story for us to use when we are learning about story elements.  We have spent a lot of time talking about the difference characters in each story.  We done some comparing and contrasting as well!  We have also talked about the settings of each story and the plot and main idea!  These are all the concepts that the children will need to be able to identify on their own later in the year!

We also got into some Gingerbread Fun of our own!  We made Gingerbread Boy or Girl glyphs.  We had to answer different questions and the answers determined what kind of nose, cheeks, bow, buttons, etc. we would use to decorate our Gingerbread!  We love looking at these and comparing them with our friends!

We also made some Gingerbread ornaments to hang on our trees at home so we would always remember the story!

I bet you're hungry for some Gingerbread now!  I know we sure are!

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