Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Caterpillar to Butterfly

A few weeks ago, we got some tiny little caterpillars!

We watched them as they grew into BIG caterpillars!  We watched as they made the J shape at the top of the containers and formed their chrysalises.

 We were thrilled when they turned into butterflies!

 We were fascinated by the empty chrysalis that was left!  And, of course, the beautiful butterflies that came out!

We did a lot of research during the time we spent with our caterpillars.  We learned what they need to live and the different phases of their life cycles. 

We also kept an observation journal.  We wrote down what we observed on different days as our caterpillars grew and changed. 

We were sad to see our painted ladies leave but we knew it was time for them to roam free!  It was a great experience! 

We also learned about how the wings of a butterfly are symmetrical.  We discussed symmetry and then made our own butterflies with symmetrical wings!  So pretty!

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